You can monitor and manage Ask an Expert requests, both as a requester and as an expert.

Within ThoughtSpot, you can keep track of your Ask an Expert requests.

Follow these steps to the request monitoring interface:

  1. In the top right corner of the ThoughtSpot interface, click the help menu icon (help) icon menu.
  2. In the drop-down, select Get Help > Expert Requests.
  3. The Expert interface appears, with information for you both as a Requester, and as an Expert.

When you are a Requester

This is what you see when you are a requester:

Ask an Expert interface

Note these features of the interface:

Legend Feature
1. I am a requester: for all requests where you are a requester
2. I am an expert: for all requests where you are an expert
3. All: all requests, both Resolved and Unresolved
4. Resolved: all resolved requests
5. Unresolved: for all unresolved requests
6. Search: find requests
7. My Requests: list of your requests
8. Modified: how long ago you or an expert modified the request
9. Status: Resolved or Unresolved
10. Author: the user who created the request

When you are an Expert

This is what you see when you are an expert:

Ask an Expert interface

Note these features of the interface:

Legend Feature
1. I am a requester: for all requests where you are a requester
2. I am an expert: for all requests where you are an expert
3. All: all requests, both Resolved and Unresolved
4. Resolved: all resolved requests
5. Unresolved: for all unresolved requests
6. Search: find requests
7. Requests for me: list requests where you are the Expert
8. Modified: how long ago you or an expert modified the request
9. Status: Resolved or Unresolved
10. Requester: the user who initiated the request